Mr Agostinho Vuma, Chair of The Board of Directors – Mozambique’s Confederation of Business Associations (CTA), has taken over the Chairmanship of the SADC Business Council (SADC BC).
The position passes on to him from out-going Chair, Ms Angelina Ngalula, from the Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF). Next year, the position will be handed to the in-coming Chair, Ms Madalitso Kazambe, from the Malawi Confederation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (MCCCI).
Currently, all three Chairs form the 2021 Executive Committee of the SABC BC. The Committee is based on the SADC Troika model.
“I pledge that during my Chairmanship of the SADC Business Council will work towards the endogenization of the regional economy through financing for industrial development and strengthening partnerships for the sharing of resources, with a view to the entrepreneurial development of the people living in the SADC,” said Mr Vuma in a recent press release.