31 July – 4 August 2017
FOCUS ROOMS|The Core Shopping Centre
Cnr Leeuwkop Rd & Kikuyu Rd, Sunninghill
Johannesburg, South Africa
The SADC Secretariat would like to invite you to the second SADC Industrialization Week 2017 under the theme Partnering with the Private Sector in Developing Industry and Regional Value Chains.
SADC Industrialization Week is an annual regional public-private engagement forum aimed at fostering new opportunities for intra-regional trade and investment.The event will be hosted two weeks before the SADC Heads of State and Government Summit which will present participating delegates with the opportunity to provide recommendations that will be presented at this forum.
The SADC Industrialization Week will be hosted with the support of the NEPAD Business Foundation, the Southern Africa Business Forum (SABF), the Department of Trade and Industry South Africa (dti) and the Department of International Relations and Corporation (DIRCO) and will be sponsored by the Barclays Africa Group and the European Union.
Admission Free!!!